Éire Language and Information Services is a company dedicated to facilitating mutual understanding among people and organizations on a global scale, through our translating, interpreting, education and Internet consulting services.
Language is more than just a tool of communication; it reflects the culture and heritage of the people who use it. Emerging technologies are making it possible to transmit these cultures through their respective languages to virtually any point on the globe via the network of networks known as the Internet. As a shared medium which transcends frontiers, the Internet represents an opportunity for lesser-known languages to make their mark on the world at large and serves as a vehicle for cultural exchange among people, regardless of location or linguistic background.
We are proud to be a part of this developing tradition, and it is in this spirit that we present these pages.
This document is also available in other languages:
Brezhoneg | English
| Español | Euskaraz | Français | Gaeilge | Italiano |
History of the English Language Website
Yahoo! word of the day index - A compilation on the Yahoo index of different sites with a word of the day
If you have any comments regarding this page, or you would like to see your own language in these pages, please contact Michael E. McCay