Published Translations
(Basque themes)

Other publications and major projects

Day-to-day translation work

Translation sourced in UK

Previous employment

Education/ Diplomas/ Memberships

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Contact Information

Brendan Morgan

Professional translator

Published translations and major projects:

For: Geddes & Grosset, Book Publishers, David Dale House, New Lanark, Scotland

Compilation of medium-range dictionaries: French-English-French (French-English section only) and Spanish-English-Spanish (both sections), published by Tiger Books, UK (1993)

Project management (and compilation of Spanish versions) of vocabularies, verb tables, pocket dictionaries and phrase books in French, Spanish, German and Italian (16 books), published by Brockhampton Press, Hodder Headline PLC (1995)

 For: Larousse-Bordas, Paris

Translation from French to English of a series of 11 children’s encyclopaedias and atlas (series - encyclopédie des jeunes):

1995 La découverte de la Terre


Les Plantes et les Animaux

Les Religions du Monde


l’Atlas des pays du monde

Le Corps Humain

L’Histoire du Monde

L’Énergie et la Matière

La Terre, une planète active



La Communication, des origines au Internet


l’Aventure de la vie

Histoire de l’Art

For: FuturePerfect Ltd, London

Compilation of a database of Spanish verbs in current use (some 14,000 verbs with English translations for use in verb conjugation software

Other projects:

Los sueños del hombre’,

historical novel by Enrique Larroque de la Cruz

translated and published as the ‘The Dreams of Man’

by Avon Books, London (1998)

La Habana, Cuba -Guía de Arquitectura

translated from Spanish in collaboration with Harold David Kornegay

and published as ‘Havana, Cuba - an Architectural Guide’

by the Junta de Andalucía (1998)