Published Translations
(Basque themes)

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Brendan Morgan

Professional translator

Published Translations (Basque themes)

The Arriolas of Urazandi: Maritime Enterprise in Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa’

Academic article by Selma Huxley and Michael Barkham, translated from English to Spanish and published by the Museo Naval, Donostia – San Sebastián (1996)

   This article which provides an interesting insight into Basque whaling in Terranova in the 15th and 16th centuries can be read here (Spanish version).

Captain Cook's chart

Projects in cooperation with Arantxa Eizmendi:

The Stigmata of Bilingualism

article by Einar Haugen, first published by Stanford University Press, translated from English and published in Bat Soziolinguistika Aldizkaria (1996)

 Basque version of this discussion on bilingualism can be read on this site.

 ‘Brussels - In the blink of an eye

video on the architecture and history of Brussels, translated from English to Basque (1996) for Éire Language and Information Services


 Proofreading of Colloquial Basque by Alan King and Begotxu Olaizola, published by Routledge, UK (1996)