Michael McCay's Camino de Santiago, 2025

Fundraising page
Help me make a difference
Those reading this may have followed my previous Camino adventure back in June 2022, when over 400 Cisco employees and associates descended on Santiago de Compostela after many long days of walking. We will be repeating the experience in 2025, with most of us arriving on June 27th.
What is the point of this craziness you ask?
By now you probably already understand that we're out to raise funds for some worthy causes. In my case, I will be joining forces with Cisco Europe to raise funds for various causes dedicated to preserving our environment. I will also be providing the option to donate to Doctors Without Borders / Médecins San Frontières (MSF) and the Tijuana Mission Outreach Foundation. All of my travel costs will be coming from my own pocket. Therefore, 100% of your donations will go to the charity of your choosing.
What route are you taking?
You Camino aficionados may already be familiar with the most popular route, also known as the Camino Francés, starting in the Basque town of Donibane Garazi (St-Jean-Pied-de-Port) and continuing on 500 miles over the Spanish meseta to Santiago de Compostela. I will actually be doing the Camino Portugués. Those doing at least 100 km on foot get a bonus prize at the end, in the form of an official Compostela, or certification of having completed the pilgrimage. In my case, I will be starting in the Portuguese city of Porto, walking over 270 km (170 miles) over two weeks. My route will be as follows:
  • June 14: Arrive in Porto
  • June 15: walk to Labruge
  • June 16: Póvoa de Varzim
  • June 17: Marinhas
  • June 18: Viana do Castelo
  • June 19: Caminha
  • June 20: cross the Miño/Minho river, walk to Mougás
  • June 21: Ramallosa
  • June 22: Vigo
  • June 23: Redondela
  • June 24: Pontevedra
  • June 25: Caldas de Reis
  • June 26: Padrón
  • June 27: Arrive in Santiago de Compostela

Sounds great! How do I donate?

Volunteers from Médecins Sans Frontières or Doctors Without Borders are doing important work on all continents under difficult and dangerous conditions. Click on this link or on the logo at left for a form where you will be able to contribute to my fundraising goals. IMPORTANT: be sure to check your company's donation matching policy, and submit your donation to double your contribution!

Hmmm ... I'm based in the U.S. and I'd like to donate to something closer to home
Those of you who know me, know that for some years I have been working with Tijuana Mission Outreach Foundation, building houses and performing other activities. Feel free to donate your time and expertise as well!

What else have you got?
Watch this space for additional opportunities to make a difference in people's lives.
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Please understand that there is no pressure for you to donate to any of these - you may have your own pet projects that you have dedicated your entire giving budget to, and that's OK! Or you may have company matching at your own place of work, and you prefer to see your donations go twice as far like I have done while employed at Cisco. If from reading this page I've encouraged you to donate your time or money to
any worthy cause, I'll consider this a smashing success.
What do I get by donating? Besides some transitory warm and fuzzies, I mean
No matter what cause you donate to, I will commit to providing daily updates of my walk on my Facebook page, and I may even publish one of my legendary travelogues if I am so inclined. As a special bonus to those who donate $100 or more, I will ship you a souvenir pilgrim's scallop shell like the one shown at right. Be sure to let me know your shipping address.

How to contact me:
Twitter: @MichealMacAodha
See links to pictures from my 2022 experience below: